Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Unprecedented Increase in Mobile Spectrum Just Occurred

For those of you accustomed to slow change in almost any U.S. mobile or telecom statistic, the recently-concluded Federal Communications Commission auctions fo 24-GHz and 28-GHz mobile spectrum are going to prove an abrupt change.

Those of you who follow spectrum holdings of the leading U.S. mobile service providers know how slowly such capacity metrics change. In the past, total spectrum available to any single mobile provider ranged from 100 MHz to perhaps 180 MHz. The recent auctions of millimeter wave spectrum are likely to radically change the amount of national spectrum holdings by Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile US.

If Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile US won just 300 MHz each of new spectrum on a national basis, that would double to triple the total amount of licensed spectrum each has to work with.

Here’s what spectrum holdings for major mobile networks and Dish Network looked like, before the latest millimeter wave auctions.  

Those bar graphs will look substantially different as millimeter wave holdings are added. Recent millimeter wave auctions have seen Verizon pick up substantial spectrum at 28 GHz. AT&T and T-Mobile US were quite active in the 24-GHz auctions.

Never before have the leading mobile service providers increased spectrum holding so much as with the last two spectrum auctions. It will represent an unprecedented increase in spectrum for AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile US. 

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