Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Which Firms Most Value "Critical Thinking?"

“Critical thinking skills” seem to be valued much more than technical expertise by executives running firms that emphasize innovation and experimentation.

That stands to reason, actually. Firms that intend to innovate people who “think outside the box,” as there often is no template to follow. Firms with other strategies, such as that of “fast follower,” only need to know enough to copy the leaders. Imitation, not thinking, is required.

Deloitte’s 2019 Industry 4.0 readiness report surveyed 612 technology, media, and telecom (TMT) respondents. Of that sample, Deloitte says 29 percent were “high innovators, firms that place a high priority on innovation and embrace experimentation, giving their leaders the leeway to learn from failure.

“Strikingly, the number-one skill that high innovators say they’re working hardest to develop isn’t technical: It’s critical thinking skills,” Deloitte says. “For less-innovative companies, critical thinking comes in last of eight skills probed.”

“Human skills” may be just as crucial to success as technical ones, overall, however. While 65 percent of respondents to the Deloitte 2018 global human capital trends survey indicated technical skills will need to increase as AI is integrated into enterprises, 62 percent pinpointed the expanding need for complex problem-solving skills, followed closely by cognitive abilities, process skills, and social skills.

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