Tuesday, September 15, 2020

PTC Frictionless Business Webinar Series Launches

PTC has launched a new webinar series on the theme of Frictionless Business™. The first session is today, Tuesday, 15 September 2020, from 14:00-15:00 Hawaii Standard Time, and looks at the impact of Covid-19 on data centers and networks. Register here.

Business friction is anything that prevents a potential customer from buying your product or service. 

As a practical matter, if frictionless business were possible, it should lead to outcomes such as higher lead-to-customer conversion rates, lower churn and higher account retention, plus higher renewal rates, as well as enhanced productivity (the ability to produce and sell more while reducing the cost of doing so). 

And that is why PTC’s new webinar series will focus on frictionless business, examining from many angles key strategy, product development, technology, distribution channels, marketing, customer service, governance, human resources, capital resources, information technology, customer segmentation and supply chain issues, all with the objective of helping attendees understand how to operate more effectively.  

The kickoff session will examine the impact of COVID-19 on data centers and network infrastructure, looking at opportunities and challenges. 

The following event will focus on network evolution, while the third installment will look at finance and investment issues. Frictionless business is the theme that unified all the sessions for a fundamental reason. 

As the second law of thermodynamics and second law of motion suggest, all business efforts to achieve a result are resisted. Obstacles might be lack of human or capital resources, competitor market domination, inefficiencies in supply chains or sales channels. 

So an unstated objective of every organizational action in support of its mission and goals is the effort to to overcome inertia and friction. A frictionless business might use artificial intelligence or machine learning to achieve:

  • 100-percent efficiency and knowledge of buyer demands, preferences, tastes

  • complete understanding, in real time, of the state of a firm’s supply chain

  • as-good-as-can-be-expected employee productivity, based on knowledge of actual behavior

  • full effectiveness of all information technology systems, devices and software

  • real-time knowledge of any legal or regulatory compliance issues

  • Robust feedback loops and intelligence gathering that aids in the development process for new products and features 

Additional installments might look at stakeholder issues, applied machine learning, internet of things, edge and cloud computing and changes in industry business models and opportunities.

Frictionless business is the sum total of all actions any business can take to create and keep customers, increase the volume of products sold to those customers with acceptable profit margins, maintain or grow market share with superior return on investment. 

Frictionless business reduces every barrier to business success, allowing firms to operate more effectively--doing the right things--as well as efficiently, with minimal waste and maximum productivity. 

Companies that operate with less friction are able to achieve superior results with less resource intensity. And that is why PTC’s webinar series is about frictionless business. 

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