Thursday, October 18, 2007

Covad and McAfee Partner

Make a note of this: Covad Communications and McAfee are partnering to deliver bundled services for small-business customers. The companies say Covad will bundle McAfee Total Protection for Small Business services with its broadband products in a new offering called Business Essentials.

Here's why you need to take note: retailers in the telecom space are used to selling services on a monthly recurring fee model. So the next big shift in business model is to start selling other services in the application realm that are delivered as a service, not a product, not a "box" or "device." Up to this point, most retail points of contact have had difficulty whenver they have been asked to behave in ways different from past behavior.

Data equipment resellers often have stumbled when asked to sell recurring fee telecom services. Telecom resellers have flopped at selling hosted PBX services. Interconnect dealers have not been able to sell Cisco router-based services.

Increasingly, hosted applications, sold just like telecom services, are going to be the way some legacy retailers make a jump "up the value stack" into applications, in a way that is culturally comfortable. This is a big deal and Covad is on the leading edge. Sure, you might argue, security services are a natural, and are sold by cable companies and telcos to consumer buyers.

That's true. What's more interesting here is the move to create a new services model extending beyond connectivity services and up into the applications layer, in a way that makes sense for the retail sales partners. The next step is further in the direction of services for the desktop and back office.

This is going to be a big deal.

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