Tuesday, October 9, 2007

T-Mobile Goes Down

It wasn't your imagination: if you use T-Mobile data services, you had no connectivity for as much as four hours on Tuesday. Personally, I thought it was the coverage inside the convention center I am working inside of. Nope. There was an outage. I thought it was the BlackBerry server at one point. But no.

The latest outage just illustrates an important element of digital life: you really can't trust any service or application to remain "always available." Everything is going to crash, or be unusable, for some amount of time. So one either gets used to the idea of periodic outages, or if that isn't satisfactory, you are going to have to back up all your mission critical services, devices, data or applications. Personally, I don't worry too much about application diversity, though most of us have some of that. I do make sure broadband and mobile access, as well as computing devices, are redundant.

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