Sunday, October 21, 2007

iPhone Tops at&t Phone Sales

The iPhone has become at&t's top selling device, commanding some 13 percent of overall sales, according to Strategy Analytics. At least 1.325 million units have been sold in the U.S. market since the iPhone was launched. It also is conceivable that the iPhone will be the top selling U.S. dvice over the next couple of quarters.

Currently, the top selling U.S. handset is Motorola's RAZR V3. Generally, the top 10 handset models account for approximately 25 percent of total handset sales in a typical quarter.

"The typical iPhone buyer is college educated with a six-figure household income," Strategy Analytics says.

The largest percentage of iPhone buyers is between 20-30 years old, but nearly 25 percent are between 50 to 60 years old. Which makes sense, given the demographics of buyers, which are high end.

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