Thursday, December 6, 2007

iPhone Gets First Release of New SAP Software

Maybe usability really does matter. SAP unveiled the first version of its new generation of business software products for the iPhone, not the BlackBerry or some other enterprise class device, as one normally would expect.

Granted, the lag between the iPhone release and the BlackBerry release might only be a matter of weeks. But when was the last time you heard of this happening?

The German company is the world's biggest maker of business management software and, while analysts generally praise its broad line of products for their deep functionality and analytical abilities, they say they are difficult to use.

The software can be customized by each user with as much flexibility and ease as one might be able to customize an iGoogle page, or myYahoo page, officials with SAP said.

"The iPhone has become such a popular thing," said Bob Stutz, a SAP senior vice president who is responsible for developing customer relationship management software. "Everybody wants the ease of use of the iPhone."

Stutz said SAP decided to introduce the iPhone software ahead of programs for other devices at the request of its sales people, saying they prefer using iPhones to the other devices.

Programs for the Blackberry and other devices will ship a few weeks after the initial launch of SAP CRM 2007.

Apparently this is a case where the people who actually have to use a device to make a demo really prefer to do so using an iPhone. Which is about as strong a testimonial for usability one can note.

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