Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's Really Hard to Stand Out in a Market

A study of the customer experience of mobile apps and websites of 17 major financial services companies shows little differentiation, Foresee Results says. That shouldn't really be too surprising. It is hard, in any market, to truly create exceptional, unusual, unique products and experiences. 

Only credit unions, measured in aggregate, meet the threshold for excellence with a score 80 on the 100-point scale of the ForeSee Mobile Satisfaction Index. Of course, in fairness, it is arguably fairly hard to differentiate a banking app. 

ForeSee’s research shows that apps provide a superior experience to mobile websites and may be the key to competitive differentiation and growth. However, all companies measured have a ways to go to provide a compelling mobile experience: traditional websites (as experienced on personal computers) still provide the best customer experience for financial services companies.

Thus far, there is little differentiation between competitors, since satisfaction with all measured companies’ mobile experiences range between 73 and 79. A full set of scores is below:

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