Tuesday, August 25, 2009

AT&T will Mandate Smart Phone Data Plans Sept. 6, 2009

Beginning September 6, 2009, AT&T will mandate subscribers who activate or upgrade to a smartphone to also pick up a data plan. One might argue that a smart phone without a data plan is about as useful as a PC without an Internet connection, or a TV without access to a multi-channel video plan.

Beyond that, as the mobile industry transitions to a revenue model based on data plans, not voice, the move is to be expected. There is no inherent reason why the cost of access to the global network, which increasingly includes Web services, should be based on use of voice applications.

On the other hand, users who simply want access to voice or text messaging only need phones with that basic level of functionality.

1 comment:

Ray Ray said...

"On the other hand, users who simply want access to voice or text messaging only need phones with that basic level of functionality."

What about those users who only want basic voice and text access on the network, but who also use their smart phone to manage tasks and calendar via syncing with their pc?

There is also the subset who are fine with wi-fi only services and another subset of disabled users who rely on the larger screen for viewing and advanced accessibility features of the smart phone.

Clearly the users who already need the data plan have it, this is lose lose for AT&T.

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