Sunday, July 10, 2011

2011 Social Gaming Revenue Dominated by Facebook

Some 27 percent of the online population of America will play at least one game on a social network at least once per month this year, says eMarketer. That's 62 million people, up from 53 million last year. In 2011, 29 percent of the U.S. online population will play a game on a social network at least once per month. More here.

Revenues from social gaming will be $1.32 billion in 2011, up from $856 million in 2010. Separately, Kevin Ryan, Gilt Groupe CEO says Facebook is on course to generate $1 billion in revenue this year from social gaming all by itself, with most of the revenue coming from advertising. But the $1 billion forecast also includes revenue from Facebook Credits, which allow users to buy items for games and other activities on the social network, he said. Read more.

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