Saturday, August 11, 2012

Web 3.0 Will be Mobile, Commerce Driven

Our ways of describing "eras" of computing, or software, or communications, sometimes are too much affected by hype. But sometimes there is a huge kernel of truth to a taxonomy.

So one might say Web 1.0 was about web connectivity. Web 2.0 might be characterized as  "social," says Jay Jamison, BlueRun Ventures partner

Web 3.0 will be "mobile," says Jamison. Aside from the obvious notion of an era characterized by use of smart phones and other "smaller screens," the notion is that apps and services will be real-time, ubiquitous (always connected, always with you), location aware, able to integrate sensors and using high quality cameras and audios. 

For some of us, that means the mobile web will b e highly organized around commerce, including advertising and promotion that drive commerce.

Your current location, weather, traffic, local merchants other friends nearby, how often you’ve been to this specific store or location will enable a new level of commerce opportunities for potential advertisers and merchants. 

That's why some of us think mobile commerce, including mobile payments, mobile wallet, location-based advertising and promotion, will be so important.  

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