Friday, July 15, 2011

Google+ Email Address Changes an Issue?

Some will note that the email address used to set up a service, such as Google+, is a "forever" issue, in the sense that Google+ apparently does not support changing an email address later. The obvious example is signing up using a work address, instead of a web mail account.

"Another issue I ran into is that I got my initial invitation to Google , and built my Google network around a Gmail address ( Whenever an update posts from one of my circles, or someone sends me a message, or some new person adds me to one of their Circles, Google sends me an update. The problem is that I don't use Gmail, and I don't want to use Gmail, so I never see those updates."

Of course, some of us decided to use Gmail, as the permanent address of record, precisely for that reason. When I use any other work-related email, I always have the mail automatically resent to my Gmail account. I do have some work addresses that are active, but unused simply because I don't even want to bother setting up the forwarding.

Address permanence is an issue for lots of people, though. So be careful, if you haven't already joined.

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