Saturday, February 18, 2012

EU to Clear Some 800 MHz Spectrum for LTE in 2012?

Every country in Europe will be required to clear TV transmissions out of the higher frequencies of 800MHz band by the end of 2012, the European Parliament has ruled.

That might not mean it actually happens that soon, but at least that's the goal. The expectation is that spectrum auctions then could follow, with networks being built after the completed auctions. All that means much of Europe will not see LTE in the next few years.

The 800MHz band is being cleared as part of the switch to digital television, freeing up some spectrum at the top and bottom of the band. The EU proposal concerns the higher frequencies in the 800-MHz band. By some estimates even that new spectrum will not be enough to meet mobile data demand by 2015. EU to clear 800 MHz band

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