Monday, February 13, 2012

Some Forms of Smart Phone Commerce Were Nearly Ubiquitous Last Christmas, Holiday Shopping Season

Smart phones took center stage in the consumer shopping experience during the fourth quarter of 2011, according to NPD Group. Both websites and apps got serious use during the most-recent Christmas and holiday shopping season. 

In December alone, the proportion of U.S. Android smart phone users engaged in shopping websites rose nine percent from November, to almost 80 percent of smart phone users accessing shopping related websites on their devices.

Shopping apps also played an important part of the overall shopping experience, rising five percentage points in December to 59 percent usage.

It would be fair to say that, up to this point, people have been using mobiles for research and sharing with friends. There arguably was less comparison shopping, but that sort of behavior is growing, by all accounts.

Still, such surveys probably overestimate the direct activity related to products users are shopping for, from inside retail locations. And it is applications and behavior on the part of users just before they go to a retail location, and what they do while inside a retail location, that probably has the greatest potential impact on retail sales, for better or worse.

So far, though mobile shopping activities are growing, much of the activity is not too dissimilar from the shopping apps and behavior we have become familiar with on PCs. The big potential changes are how smart phone based commerce behaviors happen while consumers actually are inside stores, shopping.

Source: NPD Connected Intelligence SmartMeter

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