Sunday, February 26, 2012

HTC to Brand New Smart Phones Using "One"

HTC has had a bit of a branding issue since deciding it did not want to be a contract manufacturer, but rather a retail brand in its own right. Some would argue "HTC" hasn't quite got the zing. 

Now HTC seems to have settled on "One" as its retail brand. 

Some would argue HTC has more pressing problems, though. The company’s sales for the month of January 2012 were down by more than 50 percent compared to the same month of 2011, and revenues have been lower than anticipated. 

HTC says it had revenues of $564 million ($16,615 million Taiwan dollars) in the month of January 2012, compared to $1.2 billion (NT$35014) in January 2011. 

In 2010, by some estimates, the company was making four out of the top-five best-selling Android handsets in the U.S. market.

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