Monday, February 13, 2012

PayPal Deemphasizing NFC at Point of Sale

PayPal is conducting a major test of ways to integrate PayPal into standard Home Depot point of sale systems. But PayPal continues to believe that near field communications is "too early" in its life cycle to be useful, at least at the moment.

In fact, eBay CEO John Donohue has quipped that "near field communications" stands for "not for commerce." It therefore is not surprising that PayPal appears to be discontinuing, its efforts to supportpmobile payments at the Point of sale using NFC.

PayPal doesn't seem to see enough merchant interest, at least not enough where PayPal is concerned. So far, it appears there is greater retailer interest in adding PayPal payment methods in ways that do not even require use of a mobile device. Merchants bigger on PayPal than NFC

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