Friday, February 17, 2012

How Much Money Can Facebook Make from Mobile Advertising in a Year?

Facebook could generate over $1.2 billion from mobile advertising in its first year from just the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, analysts at mobileSquared predict. 

Facebook could earn an average revenue oer user of about $6.50 a year.

Based on a further assumption that Facebook will serve an ad every 20 seconds via its mobile sites or apps, and using  using a cost per thousand impressions model of $0.25, Facebook would generate $653.7 million in revenues from mobile advertising in the United States alone over a 12 month period.

Facebook also could generate mobile advertising revenues of $166.6 million in its first year in the UK, around $100 million in France, Germany, and Italy, and around $70 million in Spain.

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