Sunday, May 27, 2012

PayPal Adds 15 U.S. National Retailers for Retail Payments

PayPal has announced 15 new national retailer partners who are adding PayPal’s offline payment and shopping solutions. The key phrase there is "offline."

 These include: Abercrombie & Fitch, Advance Auto Parts, Aéropostale, American Eagle Outfitters, Barnes & Noble, Foot Locker, Guitar Center, Jamba Juice, JC Penney, Jos. A. Bank Clothiers, Nine West, Office Depot, Rooms To Go, Tiger Direct and Toys “R” Us, PayPal says.

Though PayPal is a player in "mobile payments," its arguably bigger strategic move is into the offline payment process, namely retailer transactions. Those efforts include a mobile component, but also feature use of the PayPal credit card.

The other notable point is that PayPal, like many other contestants, sees "payment" as part of a larger range of shopping activities where mobile devices can change the experience and add value.

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