Thursday, August 16, 2012

Apple Bought AuthenTec: It Needed NFC Fingerprint Sensors, Quickly

Screen Shot 2012 08 16 at 11.17.05 520x309 Why Apple really bought AuthenTec: It wanted new technology for upcoming products, and quicklyApple now owns AuthenTec, which has a fingerprint authentication technology.

One would suspect that means Apple wants to use the capability in some way related to its new Passbook mobile wallet.

Fingerprint sensors can be used in many ways of course, but linking purchase authorizations to fingerprints obviously would make sense to people making mobile purchases.

Some of us have argued that the one company that could really shake up the mobile payments or mobile wallet businesses would be Apple, simply because Apple tends to create markets, rather than share them.

The issue, if that is what one believes, is that Apple creates new device markets. So what new device market could Apple create?

The closest analogy so far would be Apple's reshaping of the existing mobile phone market. As Apple now gets the majority of its revenue from phone sales, perhaps the mobile wallet effort is simply a feature designed to maintain that dominance.

Or perhaps Apple has something else in mind.

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