Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Time Warner Cable Upgrading to 100 Mbps in Some Markets

Time Warner Cable, which upgraded its top Internet access tier in Kansas City, Mo. to 100 Mbps, is also upgrading customers in Lost Angeles to 100 Mbps.

Residential customers in Los Angeles who subscribe to the Ultimate 50 tier are being automatically upgraded to Ultimate 100 at no extra cost. 

Ultimate 50 residential customers in New York City and Hawaii will be upgraded by year’s end. 

By early 2014, all customers in these markets will have access to Ultimate 100, with more TWC markets to follow in 2015.

Credit Google Fiber with the new incentives for Time Warner Cable to upgrade speeds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very useful marketing tool, and are rightfully very popular, however both the charging structure and the way people use telephones have changed.
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