Monday, January 16, 2017

Verizon Lowers Prices for 150-Mbps Internet Access, Replaces 500-Mbps Tier with 750-Mbps Tier

It has been expected that the new Verizon 750-Mbps symmetrical service would create a new pricing reference that would lead to lower prices for the other existing Verizon plans below 470-Mbps. That appears to be the case.

Prior to the 750-Mbps launch, the base tier was a symmetrical 50 Mbps tier. The 100-Mbps tier was $10 extra each month. The 150-Mbps tier was an extra $10 above the 100-Mbps tier, and then there were $100 a month increases for the symmetrical 300-Mbps tier and 500-Mbps symmetrical tier.

50/50 Base
100/100 +$10 from 50/50
150/150 +$10 from 100/100
300/300 +$100 from 150/150
500/500 +$100 from 300/300

Now, in areas where 750-Mbps symmetrical services is available, the 300-Mbps tier of service will cost $30 a month more than the 150-Mbps service, and the 750-Mbps tier will cost $50 more than the 300-Mbps service.

In other words, prices now will be lower for the 300 Mbps tier, and for the 750-Mbps tier, which replaces the former 500-Mbps tier.

50/50 Base
100/100 +$10 from 50/50
150/150 +$10 from 100/100
300/300 +$30 from 150/150
750/750 +$50 from 300/300

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