Monday, May 17, 2010

30% to 50% of All Advertising Will be Digital Within 8 Years, Google Exec Argues

"I personally expect in the next five to eight years 30 percent to 50 percent of advertising will be digital," says Nikesh Arora, Google's president of global sales, referring to online direct marketing, advertising and branding campaigns.

While Arora admits it is a bold claim, he backs up his forecast by pointing out that in the U.S. 10 percent of advertising is already digital and in the United Kingdom it is 20 percent.

In fact, late last year the U.K.'s Internet Advertising Bureau announced that online ad spending had risen above television for the first time.

Video will tip the balance, says Arora. If so, Apple's bet on creating a content-consumption tablet device might be precisely on target. The issue there is whether the iPad will be for video consumption what the iPod was to music consumption.

"I think mobile is a fantastic opportunity," says Arora.


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