Monday, October 18, 2010

Steve Jobs Predictably Disses 7-Inch Tablets

Perhaps predictably, Apple CEO Steve Jobs doesn't think much of tablets with a seven-inch screen, such as the Samsung Galaxy or Research in Motion Playbook.

“Given that tablet users will have a smartphone in their pocket, there’s no point in giving up screen size," Jobs says. "Seven inch tablets are tweeners — too big to be a phone, and too small to compete with the iPad.”

Some of us don't agree. For many users, who cannot work without a notebook and a smartphone, and who travel frequently, an iPad is one more device to lug around in a backpack or briefcase. Some of us now routinely travel with a videocamera, two smartphones and a notebook, possibly another device (iPod or DVD player) "standard issue."

That means lots of AC adapters and cables, plus the actual devices.

To the extent that a tablet is a content consumption device, not so good as a content creation device, there might be form factor and weight issues that could tip the buying decision in the direction of a smaller tablet.

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