Friday, April 8, 2011

Google Acquisition of ITA Software Gets OK

The Department of Justice will approve the Google acquisition of ITA Software, with some conditions.

DOJ will require Google to develop and license travel software, to establish internal firewall procedures and to continue software research and development. Those measures are intended to protect competition for airfare comparison and booking websites and ensure those websites using ITA’s software will be able to power their websites to compete against any airfare website Google may introduce.
The department said that Google will also be required to provide mandatory arbitration under certain circumstances and provide for a formal reporting mechanism for complainants if Google acts in an unfair manner.

Google thinks one direct result is that users will be able to type "flights to somewhere sunny for under $500 in May" into Google and get not just a set of links but also flight times, fares and a link to sites where the user can actually buy tickets quickly and easily

1 comment:

Atlanta Roofing said...

This is the perfect example of the government regulating private business, has nothing to do with being honest, or following the laws of the land, but rather the government interfere with business. This doesn’t help consumers, it stifles creativity. The market/consumer/user should pick the winners and losers, not the government!

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