Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mobile Payments: Not Really About the Payments

The thing about mobile payments is that application providers are going to have to figure out what the value for consumers and retailers is, and what the revenue models are. Managing spending could be one of those ways to add value. It isn't so much "electronic receipts" as it is the ability to post all transactions to a ledger or account, rather than adding up amounts manually, after the fact.

Automated check-ins and information sharing are another angle, possibly the ability to create a blog or social app post with some details (name, location, menu item) pulled directly from the transaction data and purchase location.

Purchases might also include automated tip calculation when restaurant bills are paid, using rules the user has set up in advance.

Many think retailers, banks and other loyalty programs will want to provide instant alerts for users to use specified accounts at specified retailer locations, possibly because the payment accounts are linked to loyalty programs at that specific location or a specific offer can be triggered.

Also, users might be able to link their loyalty program information with payment information so the loyalty information does not have to be separately entered every time.

The value might be the value add that is wrapped around "payment," rather than transactions themselves.

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