Thursday, September 22, 2011

Google Changes the Game with Hangouts

Google+ "Hangouts On Air" and "Screensharing" are the two advances in video-based communications that many businesses will find quite useful. Simply put, businesses that now use "GoToMeeting" should pay attention.

"Hangouts on Air" lets you broadcast a Hangout to as many people as you like (while the limit for participation is still 10.) If that sounds like a podcast or webinar, you understand the concept.

With Hangouts, a firm could create a meeting, presentation or webinar with up to 10 panelists, participating in real time, with unlimited numbers of viewers.

Since you can record a Hangout on Air, it would also be available asynchronously to those who couldn’t participate in real time.

Think "GoToMeeting." That' what Google+ Hangouts now can compete with.

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