Friday, September 23, 2011

Google+ has 43 million users?

There is a wide divergence of opinion about how well Google+, Google's new social network, is doing. One issue is that available methods of tracking traffic do not capture all, or much, of Google+ engagement, since the service is designed for more-private communications between users.

If the algorithms are all working right, Google+ has continued to grow at a rapid rate. Google+ “unofficial statistician” Paul Allen believes that Google now has over 43 million users. Allen, whose name you might know as being the founder of has a method whereby he estimates the total number of users on Google based upon uncommon surnames.

In the past, according to PlusHeadlines, Allen has been startlingly accurate:

July 4th – 1.7 million users
July 9th – 4.5 million users
July 12 – 10 million users
September 9th – 28.7 million users
September 22nd – 43.4 million users

Google+ traction matters because most brands investing in social networks do not have unlimited time and resources. As Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn already are getting attention, Google+ success means a fourth network to support, or a hard choice about refocusing attention formerly given to other networks.

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