Monday, April 16, 2012

Has All App Development Now Gone "Mobile First?" Must it?

Application development over the past decade has largely been a story of developing apps for the Web. In the recent past, developers would create "Web" apps first, then later, if there is traction, create a version for mobile devices, one might note.

These days, the process seems often to be reversed. Most of the activity is devoted to mobile apps, with Web versions following, if there is traction in the mobility arena first.

That might be more important in the coming decade, as fixed network broadband itself has stalled.

The "next billion" users primarily will interact with mobile apps and services, one might argue. And the first two billion users will continue to engage more with mobile apps than "Web" or fixed network apps and sites, as time passes, one might also argue.

In fact, researchers at the Pew Internet and American Life Project say fixed network broadband access has dropped, for the first time ever, since 2010.

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