Saturday, January 22, 2011

85% of U.S. Internet Users Watched Online Video in December 2010

Some 84.6 percent of the U.S. Internet audience viewed online video in December 2010. That represents 172 million U.S. Internet users. The average viewer watched of 14.6 hours, according to "comScore. The total U.S. Internet audience engaged in nearly 5.2 billion viewing sessions during the course of the month.

Video ads reached 49 percent of the total U.S. population an average of 39.8 times during the month. Hulu delivered the highest frequency of video ads to its viewers with an average of 47.1 over the course of the month.

The duration of the average online content video was 5.0 minutes, while the average online video ad was 0.4 minutes. Video ads accounted for 16.4 percent of all videos viewed and 1.6 percent of all minutes spent viewing video online.

Americans viewed 5.9 billion video ads in December, with Hulu generating the highest number of video ad impressions at more than 1.2 billion. Tremor Media Video Network ranked second overall (and highest among video ad networks) with 1.0 billion ad views, followed by ADAP.TV (682 million) and BrightRoll Video Network (588 million).

Google Sites, driven primarily by video viewing at, ranked as the top online video content property in December with 144.8 million unique viewers, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 53.1 million viewers.

In one year since its launch, VEVO has steadily grown to reach 50.6 million viewers in December, with much of its viewing being driven by VEVO on YouTube. AOL, Inc. maintained the fourth position with 48.6 million viewers, followed by Viacom Digital with 45.9 million. Google Sites had the highest number of viewing sessions with 1.9 billion, and average time spent per viewer at 274 minutes, or 4.6 hours.

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