Friday, January 28, 2011

Netflix on CLEAR 4G: Wireless Issues are Clear

When Netflix recently released data on Netflix high-definition video performance on a number of networks, it included Clearwire's 4G wireless network among all the other fixed networks. That a 4G wireless network would rank behind wired DSL, cable, and fiber optic networks in terms of experience, when the content being streamed is high-definition video, would not surprise anybody who follows such things.

Larry Dignan at ZDNet notes that "looking at the Netflix data you’d think Clearwire was a dog." He argues the opposite is true. Clearwire’s 4G service is fast enough for consumers to stream Netflix, and he sees that as a plus.

Still, the study, which might be criticized on some grounds, suggests the issues wireless service providers will have as video becomes a more-important application on all networks.

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