Sunday, January 23, 2011

Apple iPhone: 2 better than 1

Apple says "Two is better than one." Better for Apple; better for consumers; better for all the suppliers of iPhone components; better for mobile app providers working in the Apple ecosystem; arguably better for Verizon Wireless; not good for AT&T; still bad for Sprint and T-Mobile USA.

That sort of illustrates the conundrum mobile service providers now face, and that fixed-line providers have faced for some time, notably that value in both ecosystems has shifted in the direction of devices and apps.

That isn't to say "access" lacks definite value. Spending time someplace with no broadband access, or with poor access, will quickly illustrate the point. Of course, contestants in the apps and devices parts of the ecosystem would say they face significant competitive pressure as well.

But the fact remains: people might "love" their apps and devices. They rarely have any emotional attachment to their "access." Of course, it is much harder to develop a true brand preference for an intangible product, compared to something tangible such as a device or a favored application.

From Apple's point of view, two is better than one. But the ad indirectly points out yet again where value is shifting in the communications business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love my iPhone and the apps are killer, however being a sales guy on the road I can tell you that AT&T service many times is less than desirable. I know mnay sales people who now carry their iPhone as well as an inexpensive other brand from another carrier, usually Verizon, just to insure being able to get calls out. Sad.

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