Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Google to Offer $49 1-Gbps Service?

Some observers think the really significant aspect of Google's symmetrical 1-Gbps networks in Kansas City, Mo., Kansas City Kan. and at Stanford University will be the pricing. Google apparently plans to offer 1 Gbps symmetrical broadband access at a price consistent with services offered by other broadband providers, suggesting a monthly price in the neighborhood of $49 a month.

Google wants a test bed to see what sorts of apps might develop when users and developers have access to that sort of bandwidth. But some may say the bigger long-term challenge will be the ability to price such services, and even lower speed 50 Mbps and 100 Mbps services, at standard consumer rates.

Many observers would say that, at such prices, and without other services to contribute to revenue, that no commercial operation could offer and stay in business.

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