Monday, October 1, 2012

Windows 8 Users Prefer Windows 7, Which is Trouble for Microsoft

More than half of early users of Windows 8 seem to prefer Windows 7, a poll finds. That could portend trouble for Microsoft. 

Forumswindows8, which claims to be the web's largest Windows 8 help and support forum, says it conducted a poll of 50,000 people using Windows 8 and found that 53 per cent voted Windows 7 as their favorite Windows operating system.

Windows 8 came second, with 25 per cent, polling just ahead of Windows XP on 20 per cent.

The new  Windows 8 user interface, sometimes referred to as "Metro" or "Modern,"  is one of the least appealing features, with just 22 per cent of those surveyed saying they liked Windows 8's touchy rectangle interface

Those results are not necessarily indicative of what the general base of users might think, but it isn't a good sign. Remember "Vista?" By most estimates, early Vista adoption by enterprises never exceeded 10 percent. Adoption later increased, most estimates would suggest

But Windows 7 arguably has been a more successful operating system than Vista ever was. So the issue is whether Windows 8 is more like Vista, or more like Windows 7, in terms of adoption. Visually, it is a sharp break. 

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