Wednesday, April 8, 2015

IoT Requires Lower Latency, Probably Fog Computing

The Internet of Things is going to add so many connected devices, appliances and sensors that the architecture of computing to support IoT operations will necessarily have to rely on more edge processing than has been useful up to this point.

Both latency issues and the sheer volume of data generated by all those devices will require more distributed computing closer to the edge, instead of the relatively more centralized computing that has been typical of cloud computing.

At least as some envision it, fog computing would pre-process raw data using an edge server, before forwarding a summarized set of data to cloud data centers.

So aside from additional bandwidth, latency considerations will become more important as IoT services, devices and applications proliferate.

In a real sense, the objective for fog computing is to produce latency more like that of a LAN than traditionally has been associated with cloud computing.

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SpaceX Starship Main Booster Recovery

 Never seen the SpacerX Starship booster rocket return process. Amazing.