Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Will Mobile be a Full Substitute for Fixed Internet Access in 10 Years?

As crazy as it might seem today, standard mobile networks might in a decade be full substitutes for fixed network access, in terms of delivered commercial bandwidth. If the assumption is that fixed networks might deliver bandwidth up to 1 Gbps or 2 Gbps, then it might be quite instructive to note that suppliers are working to commercialize small cell access systems delivering bandwidth between 2 Gbps and 10 Gbps.

The point is that If you have access to enough spectrum, at high-enough frequencies, plus sophisticated antenna technology, and only need to transmit at close distances, extraordinary bandwidth--fully matching fixed network bandwidth--is possible.

Nokia Networks has shown the ability to transmit mobile signals at 10Gbps peak rates over the air at 73 GHz using Nokia mmWave gear at the Brooklyn 5G Summit, jointly organized by Nokia Networks and NYU.  

NTT Docomo and Nokia Networks earlier had shown the ability to transmit at 2 Gbps rates in the 70 GHZ band, using Nokia Networks mmWave technology, in an indoor setting.

“Utilizing higher frequency bands including millimeter wave  is key to deliver extremely high performance in 5G,” said Seizo Onoe, NTT DOCOMO CTO. “We believe that high-frequency spectrum shall be used not just for small cells as a means to complement the existing network, but also for building solid area coverage through coordination with existing lower frequency bands.”

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SpaceX Starship Main Booster Recovery

 Never seen the SpacerX Starship booster rocket return process. Amazing.