Friday, April 17, 2015

Verizon Probably Looked North to Create Custom TV

The new Verizon Custom TV bundle, allowing FiOS customers to buy a simple, affordable 35-channel service, with the option to add on theme packs of channels for about $10 each, is a clear reaction to market demand for less-costly, more customized ways to buy entertainment video.

But the new Custom TV, similar in many ways to Sling TV and other over the top packages yet to come, most resembles a “pick and pay” model instituted in Canada.

Cable TV channel unbundling--though not complete unbundling--is coming to the Canadian market. By the end of 2016, subscription TV customers in Canada will be able to buy many channels they want, one by one or in small packages, the Canadian Radio-Television and Communications Commission has ruled.

By the end of 2016, TV subscribers will have the option to add those networks to a “skinny” basic cable package that will cost no more than $25 a month. But consumers can buy a traditional bundle of channels if they choose.

Distributors must have the “skinny” basic service announced Thursday in place by March, 2016.

That tier must include all local and regional stations, public interest channels such as the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN), education and community channels, plus provincial legislature networks.

If distributors wish, they can add national over-the-air stations such as CTV, City and Global, or U.S. networks ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS. But they cannot raise the price beyond $25 a month.

By December of 2016, other channels must be available a la carte. But those channels also can be sold in a small bundle of perhaps five or 10 channels, which might be built by the viewer or the distributor.

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