Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Social Media, Mobile Marketing Top Emerging Channels Used by Enterprise Marketers

Social media remains a key area of activity among enterprise marketing executives using emerging marketing channels, the latest survey of enterprise marketing execurtives by Unica has found.

About 53 percent of respondents are using social media now. But marketers’ enthusiasm is less intense than in 2010, suggesting that many have passed the peak of inflated expectations caused by the hype around social media, and that practitioners now are focused on finding the value that social channels can yield.

Mobile marketing is the other emerging channel.

Some 43 percent of respondents say they currently use the tactic, with another 23 percent planning to do so within a year.

Adoption of emerging channels increased over 2010, in large part because marketers are under intense pressure to accomplish more with less, and the new channels are viewed as lower cost ways to achieve objectives.

More importantly, when the emerging channels are backed with systems for capturing, managing and distributing crucial data regarding customer and prospect behavior, they become golden opportunities for personalizing marketing campaigns and reaching individual customers with more timely, more relevant messages.

The online and direct marketers who responded to the survey represent a wide range of industries, 60 percent from from North America and 40 percent from Europe.

The report is based on a survey of about 300 respondents All responding companies report more than $100 million in annual revenue; the largest block (54 percent) reporting $1 billion or more per year.

read the study here

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