Friday, January 7, 2011

Common Mobile App Mistakes Many Brands Make

Some day we probably will look back on the early days of mobile apps and have something of the same sense we did early in the development of the World Wide Web, when companies did things such as posting electronic versions of their brochures online, and basically left it at that.

So what are some common issues that Macroview Labs encounters when engaging with big brands that want to create mobile apps?

Common mistakes include duplicating a web site on the mobile screen. That does not take advantage of the capabilities a mobile has, such as cameras, bar code scanning, accelerometers and GPS, for example.

Companies design for the wrong users, the wrong devices or for use cases where mobile signal coverage is going to be an issue. Brands tend to want to recreate an ad experience, when the key thing is to engage users.

Aron Ezra, MacroView Labs CEO, has quite a lot of experience engaging with, and creating applications for, large organizations and brands ranging from major Las Vegas casinos to NASCAR, Elitch Gardens and the city of Arlington, Texas.

“Artwork is really important,” says Ezra, something you can verify yourself at “Fresh content also is important, because you have to give people reasons to come back.”

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