Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mobile Service Revenue in 2014: $870 Billion or More

Mobile services revenue will grow to $870 billion in 2014 based on mobile broadband and messaging, Infonetics Research now forecasts. Some think mobile revenues will be even more substantial, surpassing
$1 trillion and accounting for more than half of all global telecom service provider revenue. See http://ipcarrier.blogspot.com/2010/01/how-will-global-telecom-revenue-sources.html

Mobile broadband and mobile messaging service revenues are growing rapidly and will help operators offset declining voice revenues, says Stephane Teral, principal analyst.

but voice service isn’t going away anytime soon; in fact, voice will still account for almost 60% of the mobile pie in 2014. Operators need to continue selling smarter phones and upselling data plans to keep pace with falling voice usage,” says Stéphane Téral, Infonetics Research’s principal analyst for mobile and FMC infrastructure.

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