Thursday, February 24, 2011

Half of U.S Broadband Homes Have Video Stored on PCs

Nearly 50 percent of U.S. broadband households report that they store their electronic video home library on their desktop PC. Some 30 percent use their notebook PCs.

Smaller percentages store electronic video on their gaming devices, portable media players, Flash devices, and mobile handsets.

Digital video usage models are now a mix of physical discs, free content, video on demand, streaming and rental models, in addition to outright purchases, says says Keith Nissen, Principal Analyst.

Nevertheless, downloading and storing video is a growing and important element in the overall mix. By 2015, collectively, U.S. broadband households will be storing over 4.5 million GBs of professional video content. This translates to up to 65GBs stored per household.

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