Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unmet Enterprise "Mobility" Segments 42% of All Workers

Nobody seems to argue that enterprises are better off using all sorts of technology tools. But one might always get an argument about which tools various associated require. Consider the matter of company-issued mobile phones or smartphones, which have become a huge cost element for most enterprises.

Forrester Research estimates many enterprise IT managers are underestimating demand for mobility solutions, especially from two employee segments Forrester Research calls "mobile wannabes and mobile mavericks."

"Mobile wannabes" are employees not considered to be "mobile" workers who need mobile tools. "Mobile mavericks" are employees who use smartphones for work but without company support.

Combined, those two worker segments currently account for 22 percent of all employees; by 2015, they will grow significantly to 42 percent of all corporate employees.

Mobile wannabe workers can include executive assistants, human resource workers and customer service representatives, Forrester says. Mobile maverick employees buy their own smartphones and download their own productivity and communications apps to do their jobs on the go. Common apps include email, calendar and voice. About half use However, half of navigation applications and instant messaging services, and one quarter use social apps for some work-related purpose.

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