Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mobiles Increasingly Used as E-Commerce Devices

Some 48 percent of all U.S. consumers are using their mobile devices to research and browse products and services, and those numbers have grown steadily compared to two previous consumer surveys commissioned by ATG since late 2009, Oracle reports.

About 29 percent of consumers have made at least one purchase using a mobile phone, the ATG survey of 1,054 U.S. consumers found. In 2009, just 13 percent of survey respondents reported doing so.  read more here.

Consumers across all age groups are using their mobile devices to receive product information
while in a store. Some 20 percent of consumers aged 18 to 34, 13 percent of those 35 to 54, and 10
percent of those 55 and older use their mobile device to get product information while in a

Across all age groups, 28 percent of consumers have used their mobile device for shopping activities while in a store. About 16 percent reported using their mobile device to compare prices with another brand or store. About 10 percent checked out a  brand’s or store’s website to get more information about a product or service.

Also, seven percent reported looking  for coupons or discounts for a brand or store; six percent check to see if a product is in stock at a particular store; six percent sought ratings or reviews on a product or service; five percent collected rewards for visiting a store and four percent requested feedback or share an update on something they were considering purchasing.

Consumers saying they would be “very interested,” “interested,” or “somewhat interested” in checking out on their mobile phone while in a store, instead of paying at the cashier, included 56 percent of consumers aged 18 to 34;  43 percent of consumers aged 35 to 54 and 19 percent of consumers aged 55 and older, Oracle says.

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