Wednesday, September 7, 2011

HTC Sues Apple Using Mobile Patents Obtained From Google

Google has granted HTC the rights to nine mobile patents. HTC now has sued Apple for infringing those HTC patents. HTC Sues Apple Using Mobile Patents Obtained From Google

The nine patents originated with Palm Inc., Motorola Inc. and Openwave Systems Inc., with Google taking ownership within the past year, according to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office records.

Google recorded transfer of the patents to HTC on Sept. 1, according to the agency’s website.

It isn't clear whether any of the Motorola patents were obtained as part of the recent Google purchase of Motorola Mobility.

HTC sued Apple today in federal court in Delaware, claiming infringement of four of those patents that originally were issued to Motorola. Taoyuan, Taiwan-based HTC also amended a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission in Washington, alleging infringement of three patents first issued to Openwave and two others originally owned by Palm. Google transfers patents

HTC earlier had filed suit against Apple using an earlier collection of patents. HTC sues Apple

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