Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mobile NFC: Japan and Korea Represent 95% of Users

The total number of smart phones shipped with near field communications should grow from 44 million in 2011 to more than 630 million in 2015, say researchers at Informa Telecoms and Media.

The number of active NFC or contactless-mobile users is expected to grow from 16.7 million in 2011 to 250 million in 2015. While 95 percent of the active users are currently in Japan and South Korea, that ratio should fall to 70 percent in 2015, thanks to growth in other regions, they said.

The analysts also predicted that the transaction value of mobile-NFC payments would rise from $2.4 billion this year to more than $71 billion in 2015. While more than 80 percent of the transaction activity was in Japan and South Korea in 2011, the ratio should fall below 40 percent in 2015, they said.

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