Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Small Cell Backhaul: Fixed or Wireless?

While some people forecast that as many as 80 percent or 90 percent of outdoor small cells will be connected by wireless backhaul, Maravedis-Rethink believes mobile backhaul will mirror today’s pattern, where 55 percent is wireless and 45 percent uses a fiber connection.

“Operators will use fiber wherever possible and install short range wireless in the gaps,” according to Esteban Monturus, Maravedis-Rethink backhaul practice head. 

Wireless backhaul for small cells is forecast to grow rapidly until about 2013, according to Mobile Experts In 2016, for example, Mobile Experts expects sales of about $1.5 billion worth of small cell gear for wireless backhaul, for example.

But patterns likely will differ from country to country.Others think wireless will be more important. 

Where it comes to small mobile cell sites, which will, by definition, cover small areas primarily in high-traffic areas, backhaul costs will have to scale to match the large number of sites, and the relatively small number of customers served at any single site.

  So recurring backhaul costs are a huge issue. And the need for locating small cells in highly specific locations, which might not have easy direct line of sight, will tend to make non line of sight systems important.

Here's a great summary of mobile backhaul equipment.suppliers who can support small cells.

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