Thursday, May 28, 2015

"More Spectrum Than You Can Imagine" is Coming

"More new spectrum than everything else we now can use" is the promise of commercialized millimeter wave frequncies, used in conjunction with small cell architectures, to support mobile and untethered applications.

Such abundance will have many business implications. It might change thinking about the scarcity value of spectrum overall. It definitely should lower the cost of bandwidth for billions of people using the Internet.

But fundamental decisions must be made: how to release the spectrum; what spectrum to release; when to release and how to allow access are key issues. 

We will discuss then at Spectrum Furures.

The M Hotel Singapore  |  10-11 September 2015
M Hotel Singapore

Regulators Face Unprecedented Challenge: Licensing More New Spectrum Than Everything Else We Now Use

  • Licensing use of spectrum impossible to use in the past
  • Sharing spectrum without clearing existing users
  • Releasing 10 to 100 times more bandwidth than presently in use
Spectrum Futures 2015will bring together regulators and service providers from throughout the Asia-Pacific region to allow the exchange of ideas about key policies to help emerging markets like India, the Phillipines, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia and Myanmar connect to their populations to the Internet within the next decade.
Join the conversation at Spectrum Futures 2015.

Pacific Telecommunications Council
914 Coolidge Street | Honolulu, HI 96826-3085 | +1.808.941.3789 | |

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