Monday, November 15, 2010

TeliaSonera Says LTE Subscribers Using 15 GB Per Month

Deutsche Bank analyst Brian Modoff notes that Teliasonera, the first operator to have a commercial LTE network, has seen startling bandwidth consumption statistics that contrast with consumption by users of smartphones or even PC users on 3G networks.

TeliaSonera says the average smartphone user on their network consumes 375MBytes a month of data. The average broadband user on their network, largely 3G data cards, consumes 5 GBytes a month.

But the average LTE consumer (essentially all data cards) uses 14 GBytes to 15 GBytes a month of data. That's about as much as an average fixed-line broadband customer uses in a month, and suggests that mobile broadband on an LTE network is a direct replacement for fixed-line access.

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