Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Social Media “Formula”

“Advertising doesn’t work,” one sometimes hears, and is true, at least some of the time, largely because targeting is so difficult. The way people have expressed this is that "half my investment is wasted; I just don't know which half."

Social media typically is seen as a nearly-free way to create earned media results. But sooner or later, you'll start to hear people complaining that "social media doesn't work." That shouldn't be surprising. To the extent that social media works, it is because the speakers have something to say, that people are willing to listen to. That takes effort.

The content can either be something people cannot find someplace else, content that seems to express matters better than can be found elsewhere, or gathers enough of the "good stuff" that people can get to it quickly, without having to work so hard. It's almost the same classic rules that have governed "journalism" for decades.

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