Monday, August 22, 2011

Millennial Expectations of Enterprise IT Support: Wait No Longer Than 10 Minutes

Millennial employees of enterprises tend to have high expectations for technology support, but also will tend to try and solve problems themselves, a survey by GigaOm finds. 

The survey of 400 U.S. Millennials 20 to 29 found that nearly 60 percent think that only 10 minutes is an acceptable waiting period for support, while 30 percent said “just a couple of minutes.” See Millennials tend to rely on friends, colleagues and search to solve IT problems. Those of you who have worked in enterprises can stop laughing now. 

Although 39 percent of Millennials turn first to company support upon encountering a technical problem, that means that 61 percent look elsewhere first. A quarter said they seek help from colleagues or friends, and another 24 percent try to figure out a solution via a search engine such as Google.

1 comment:

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