Friday, January 27, 2012

Amazon Kindle Fire is Having Quite an Impact

Android Tablets by SessionsThe Amazon Kindle Fire is having quite an impact on end user sessions. In just two months, the Kindle Fire has gone from zero sessions to 36 percent of all Android tablet sessions.

On the chart you can see that the Samsung Galaxy Tab dominated Android tablet application sessions as recently as November 2011.

Just two months later, In January 2012, Kindle Fire represented 36 percent of sessions, the same percentage as held by the Galaxy Tab.

Other data suggests that tablet and e-reader ownership doubled in just two months, as well. Unprecedented growth

The share of adults in the United States who own a tablet of some sort nearly doubled from 10 percent to 19 percent between mid-December 2011 and early January 2012.

The ownership of e-readers also surged from 10 percent to 19 percent over the same time period. Tablet ownership doubled in two months

That is an unprecedented growth rate for any consumer electronics device. Tablet ownership also had been on a strong adoption path earlier in 2011 as well, but doubling in 30 days from a base of 10 percent seems never to have occurred before.

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